“Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would

fulfill His Promises to her.” - Luke 1:45


“God is within her, she will not fall.” - Psalm 46:5


Have you ever thought your life was headed one way, your plan, then it just changed? You may feel less than your standards ever were, or you may be blown away what God’s Plan was for your life!  


God can provide everything that you are searching for, and everything you never believed for your life, in just one breath, His.



“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits--who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.” - Psalms 103:2-5



No matter who you are, you’re bound to not be standing exactlywhere you thought your feet would land.  Life happens, sometimes not how we plan, and God happens, and His Plan for us.  These changes, turns in the road may be the best things that have happened to you, or you may be devastated.  If you’re the latter, your story isn’t over just because the first few chapters happened as they did.  


Take a deep breath, and let Him re:use you, re:store you, re:purpose you, for His glory. 



“But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength.” - 2 Timothy 4:17



You may have had a personal relationship with Jesus for a while now, lost your way, or even intentionally taken a wrong turn, or you may use this experience to find Jesus, while He finds you.  You may have strayed or you may have…just been found.


Sometimes we allow the devil to rough us up, mislead us and guide us in the wrong direction, but don’t let his fingertips grip you out of the Hands of the Almighty One.  Sometimes, like writing, we have to edit our lives, and sometimes God does that for us, as He holds the greatest pen available.  What will You allow Him to write in the rest of your pages? 


We are strong because of our choices that lead us to no choice. 


All the places your feet have stood, let all the shame be gone, as He makes all things new, including you. Don’t let the devil destroy what God wants to restore.  Keep going, and don’t give up. Romans 5:8 says He loved us at our darkest, so now be a light for Him, that no one can dim. 


I can look back from where I am and see why and how God changed my path. Years ago, I thought I knew exactly where my life was headed, and even who I was headed there with, but it was exactly how I had envisioned, not what God saw for me. I kept telling God exactly what I needed and wanted and He allowed a lot of that to happen, but He also allowed me to come to a dead end that ended at His Feet.  You may be the same way, doing things your way, your plans, making all the decisions, right and wrong, holding on to what no longer serves you, but just be careful, and forewarned, His Plans are always better than ours.  

God wrecks your plans.png


flawed. & (still) worthy


“He guides me along the right paths for His Name’s sake.” - Psalm 23:3

Even when you think there is no way, He can make one. 


When God brings us to a certain spot, He walks us through to the other side, with us, we never go alone. He brings us to where we are for a purpose, and we walk wearing His Armor. Only He can see what’s ahead of us, and He can use what’s behind us and re: PURPOSE us. 


Let Him. 


Things you never thought you could do, you can through Him. 


We pursue things we love and so does He, and you, my friend, are someone He loves. He desires good for you and only He can take all the choices you’ve made and untangle them and use them for His glory. Some of the choices I’ve made in my life, I wondered if God could ever use me, He’s seen me, He’s known me, watched my actions, words, and choices.  Only by His grace did He wreck my life so badly that I came through and promised Him I would use my life to glorify Him, and with everyone’s grace, I do. I can hear Him say, “Child, you’re worth it” I know I am, and you are too!

No one or no thing can stop God’s Plan for you. 


What the enemy plans for evil, God uses for good and He gets the glory, always, and sometimes we have to let what wounds us, heal us.  


It’s quite a job to balance both trust and hope in the middle of our current chaos, but that’s why we drop it at His Feet. 

Thank you Lord for knowing where we’ve been and loving us just the same.  You see us, hear us and love us where we are. Your Plan for us is always greater than our disappointments. 


You may not want to be where you are, and it truly may not be His stopping point for you, so trust in Him and allow Him to work it all out.  He can re:PURPOSE you and your life.  



“being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it

on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 1:6



I Love You 3 MUCH


WORSHIP anyway