I Love You 3 MUCH

To give credit where credit is due…I have some precious childhood friends who have walked a very dark season the past few weeks.  Ron (the husband) suffered a severe heat stroke a few weeks ago, and God graciously spared him, so they’ve really been learning to adjust to their new life. Having the job I do as a Risk Manager, their story gripped every part of me, and I haven’t been able to let it go.  Prayers abound, as I joined the masses who have lifted them up to the One Who saved him. 


Before I go any farther, let me just say how proud I am of them, for their courage, strength to keep walking forward, and their love for the Lord and others!  These two people have the most beautiful love story and there Is no doubt that God has had His Hand on them, and this too, is a part of His Plan, and not just I, but they, know this.


Stacie (his beautiful bride,) from the very first breath, has given God the glory, thanking Him that Ron is still breathing, and giving God all the praise and honor for all his future breaths.  There is no doubt that his doctors and caregivers know their faith and know that it is not them, but God that saved him. God calls us to witness and they’re living their calling.


Tragedy can push you away from God or bring you closer, thanking God that for them, it was the latter.  


All the glory and honor and praise be to our gracious Father, all of our days.


Stacie was picking up one of her GrandAngels from school and told her, “I love you too much!” her GrandAngel’s reply, “I love you three much!”  


Well, 3 does come after 2.  (Her hair and that smile are priceless.)  I thought her response was precious and sat thinking about it one morning after telling God, “I love you so much, no I love You 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 much!” All the muches, my voice covered in tears!


He turned water into wine, parted a sea, calmed storms, brought down the walls of Jericho and He moves my mountains, so to think that I am worthy enough for His love is almost unthinkable.  Does He really know who I am?  The answer is always a profound YES


God gave His only Son, to die on a cross, a brutal death for us, you and me, because of His love for us!  Its incomprehensible that He deemed us that worthy, with all our flaws and failures. 



He knew we would need Him to walk with us all of our days, dark and bright, the ones we walk in the valley and when we stand on the mountaintop, praising His Name.  

God, thank You for loving us.  Thank You for deeming us enough to die for and reminding us that we are here to live for You.  We all walk some awfully scary days, where we feel alone, confused, wondering if we’ll get to the other side.  We wonder sometimes where You are and if You’ve left us.  


You never move.  

You never leave.  

You never forsake us.

This bears repeating:

in seasons of joy…GOD IS GOOD.

In seasons of sorrow…GOD IS GOOD.

In seasons of waiting…GOD IS GOOD.

In seasons of suffering…GOD IS GOOD.


God is good and He is good to us.


I am forever, forever, forever grateful, and I love You 3 much!


Victory is yours,


REST for the mind, body and soul
