He's Still ROLLING STONES - 5/18/21

I’d rather spend my days in the valley or ever-widening canyon WITH God, then be on the highest mountaintop WITHOUT Him, and I’m sure you would too.  


Your valley may be dark and lonely, or you may feel as if its more than you can take right now, but rest assured that you’re not alone, and He will never leave you.

Our God is capable of handling whatever you’re struggling with today, He’s able to help you walk through whatever you’re battling, and the very thing that brought you to recovery. He doesn’t send you through it alone, and He doesn’t send you around it either, but He walks with you, and can make your valley of trouble, a valley of hope. There is hope for YOU, even if you don’t feel it right now.

“And surely, I am with you always, 

to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:20

You may feel as if this is too hard for you and you’d rather quit than endure another day, but let your strength come from Him, keep pressing on and into Him, and remember why you started. Every day is one day closer to being able to share your victory story, because you made it through. It’s through our struggles that we find out more about ourselves, and just who we are and what we’re capable of. We, together with God, are able to conquer and defeat the enemy. And our God, today my friend, IS STILL ROLLING STONES, and yours is none too large for Him.

Victory is yours!

 Shelley Taylor


Stand in your WORTHINESS - 5/18/21


Let's Talk PRAYER - 5/18/21