don’t SINK, just FLOAT

“Focus on Me, not the storm.” - Matthew 14:22-33

When life gets rough, don’t sink, just float. Easier said than done, on some days, I know, this day as well.


Life can get heavy at times, burdensome and downright unbearable.  See if you can visualize yourself lying on your back, feeling your breath slowly coming in and slowly exhaling air across your lips, seeing your chest rising and falling gently with each inhale and exhalation. 

Sometimes we have to just shift what we’re carrying. 

It’s often not our load, but how we carry it that weighs us down.  


Give what you’re carrying to Him, or at least a portion.  Hopefully you can portion enough out to lighten your strain.  


Life isn’t meant to destroy us or rattle us, yet it often leaves its mark on us, but remember, our Lifeguard walks on water. 


What a relief.


This picture portrays a boat, no one to guide it or steer it to a destination or to safety. How often that’s exactly what we’re a picture of, as we’ve left our Protector, our Caretaker, our Lifeguard.  


How many times have we walked away, only to find Him waiting for our return, whether that’s a day, months or several years. God is the epitome of patient, never tires of waiting on us, and never dunks us under in order to punish us for our betrayal. He’s there, anticipating our arrival, Arms open, postured to let us rest on Him and just float until we’ve gained our strength or courage to stand. 


While we may be ready to surrender, He never does.


I’m sitting here thinking of floating on the water, the calmness that most of us feel, and the fright that those feel who never have learned to swim.  There’s bound to be quite a panic that sets in just contemplating the mere thought of entering the water, then the brave act of doing it, anticipating the horrific thought of going under?  


Picture yourself In His boat, no skin exposed to water, calm, boat gliding across the water, slowly rising and falling from the steady waves. Now, slow your breath and feel yourself, safe in the boat on top of water as calm as glass, hardly any movement at all. 


Has your breathing slowed?


Life has its challenges, they toss us to and fro, but we have access to God’s abundant grace.  Deep waters mean something different to all of us, and to you right now, it may just be the overwhelming heaviness life’s challenges present.  


We all struggle in “deep waters” at some point in our lives, some more often than others, and some, deeper.  


Learning to lean on Him is not an easily accomplished feat, but often a big part of our journeys, struggles, and a huge part of our victories.  

His grace is there waiting when you are brave enough to lean in!  


He died on the cross so we could have His grace, freely given, on our good and bad days, so remember this during your struggles.  


Today, whatever you’re going through, look for His grace, cause when you find His grace, you’ll find Him!


Victory is yours!




make time to CHILL